Autechre Oversteps Blogspot

31.12.2019by admin
Autechre Oversteps Blogspot 5,6/10 4817 reviews

Had been listening since Confield so was sort of surprised when I hear this one. But after Untilted and Quaristice, this was sort of a welcome break from the manic, aleatoric drum machining of the last several years. I love their percussion, it's a big part of their current sound, but I always like to see artist challenge themselves, which is what I think they did on this record. For me, it's a got a really weird overall vibe, the synths are.very. digital/fm'ish. (i)known, qplay and O=0 are my standout tracks.some of my fav all-time tracks.

If I were to recommend an good introductory record by Autechre, it would be this one. Definitely not the upcoming one, Exai. LOL Though that's one of their better ones as well.

This is my third Favorite album By Autechre, the musics evoke always wide spaces, with vast landscapes and the constant presence of the sunlight even if 'st Epreo' or 'redfall' evoke more moonlight, also some of the tracks will toss the listener into mysterious places and there´s also a lot of action (and that´s up to your imagination). My favorite musics are:'Ress', 'Known(1)', 'See on See','Youp' and 'Os Veix3' wich is for me the best music of this Album and one of the best musics from all Autechre productions. This album is much more enjoyable and listener-friendly than Untilted and Quaristice (for different reasons though), but not as creative as EP7 or Confield.

For me, the best track here is clearly 'Treale', which has a superb beat, dark atmosphere and inspiring melodies. Another Autechre masterpiece! Most melodies on other tracks are a bit too 'evident', which is striking for Autechre ('see on see' and 'O=0' are good examples). There's also a lack of beats, in my opinion, which is what I like the most in electronic music. The last song of the album has nice sounds and remains in the mind after listening, like some Gescom material (Key Nell 1 and 4.).So, a good album but not the best of Ae.

In 2009 I was truly horified by one of the worst news: The Designers Republic, the legendary group of designers whose work for me personally is the best thing that could happen for the contemporary art since Kasmimir Malevich's discovery of Suprematism, are broke. The global economic crisis made it all possible. That was surely the final nail in the coffin of a once great label called WARP, which has literally killed itself more or less with a more poppy music fixation since about 2004. This decline was crowned by questionable decisions, eg the limited (to 100 pieces) version of Autechres previous album Quaristice. Within 12 hours it was sold out (price around 30 pounds).

The rest of the fans stood dumb by having the wonderful option to buy either the stripped-down standard version of the album or the special edition (packaging made of steel) from clever traders who bought up more pieces of the special edition to offer them for horenden prices (300, 400 or even 1,000 pounds). The question is, what has even persuaded Autechre to participate in this regard (easy money??). However, one should forget the past and sometimes forgive. The year 2010 seems to be full of surprises.The best news right away: The Designers Republic is back.

This time with an artwork that looks like a variation of the artwork of AFX´s Hangable Auto Bulb compilation. The second good news: no more LIMITED SPECIAL EDITIONS. Ok, but will this black hole painted on the cover swallow ourselfs with its music? Yes, definitely. With Oversteps, Sean and Rob released one of their most melodic albums since. Hmmm, Tri-Repetae?

Fans of Autechre already struggled to describe the sound of Autechres past albums, because the group always tried to move the boundaries of innovation in modern electronic music.Let's try to descibe Oversteps:Oversteps is like (Terminator 2 fans take note) a 'mimetic poly-alloy', music like liquid metal. Take the concept of 'Eutow' (intricate, catchy melodies, simple beat), mix it with the Autechres latest music detours (Untitled, Quaristice) and the atmosphere of Confield. But don`t be misled the title of the album: Oversteps has nothing to do with the latest UK music style called 'Dubstep'. As always Autechre create their own sound far away from common music structures. Many beats on Oversteps sound simple melody jumps. They are organic, but on the other hand also artificial. 'known (1)' for example sounds like an artificial clarinet session.

Then 'Ilander' boasts with 'evil' melodies and beats. If you take a close listen to 'O = 0' you might think to hear a tuba and between 'd-sho qub' and 'st epreo' a human chorus seems to sneak in.

Tracks such as 'r ess' or 'pt2ph8' then again invite for a simple chill. Unlike Quaristice, the beatless ambient tracks (of which 'Oversteps' consists for the most part) are no longer simple sounds and minimal soundscapes (in the vein of Pan (a) Sonic), but of beautiful sloping melodies which take the listener on a journey into future worlds. Influences of some of Autechre's favorite bands, like Coil and Throbbing Gristle are quite noticeable, but Sean and Rob still stay true to their distinctive indescribable trademark sound.If they could only 'step over' to such labels like Rephlex, Skam or Planet Mu which did not sell out.

The whole album makes me think of a man in baroque clothing shitting on a banquet table.fucking lolI like it. Second half is interesting but not essential, I agree with the comment that it could be a shorter, more punchy album. Despite it having a very fresh and interesting sound, I'm not sure it's essential ae. But I did feel they were stagnating on Untilted and Quaristice so it was good to see them make the leap. Also, being in my late 30's now, I appreciate that it's a more mellow album (/oldman). Still got Oversteps in regular rotation. Great album to listen to on the way home from work at the end of the day.

This album is a big step forward for Autechre, soundwise. Hate to use the m word, but yeah. It's a very 'mature' sounding album. Not one of my favorites by them but still a solid release.there are 3 standout tracks on here: pt2ph8, osveix3, & the amazing krYlon.

Those are the essense of the Oversteps vibe for me. D-shoqub gets honorable mention for being a lot of fun.the album artwork still sucks, tho. Move Of Ten was great too, two of their strongest releases in ages in my opinion. They lost me a bit from Draft - Quaristice. There were great tracks sure but none of them won me over as cohesive albums.Funny, draft is actually my favourite of the post-2000 era, I also like Untilted very much. Quaristice, so-so. Not bad but it always makes me feel a little like they were just putting out a bunch of tracks by merely applying the 'autechre-formula'.

Not much innovation regarding the leaps they took between other albums, and that there was a three years gap.I guess Oversteps ties in with the 'other kind of autechre' that most people love and that is somehow beyond me - I also never got into LP5 and ep7 But I love Envane, Cichlisuite, Tri Rep, their various remixes and all that. I'm not just after the complex jumpy stuff, I actually like ambient music a lot in general.

Autechre Mix


It's just I can't shake the feeling of a huge amount of cheesiness when I listen to Oversteps.The tracks I like best are Treale, os veix3, d-sho qub, Yuop. Oversteps is still getting loads of listens here, it's a great album. Funny, I remember hearing the last 3 tracks thinking 'what is this noodly bullshit?'

1st time round, now that sequence of redfall - yuop is probably one of my favourite bits of autechre. Often the way.Strangely, I'm not particularly into Move Of 10, some good tracks but doesn't really hold together for me - plus, i find those out of tune flutes on nth dafuseder actually unlistenable for some reason, had to cut that track in the end. I expect to be claiming that it's the best thing they've ever recorded in about 6 months time.

All right, listening to this again today, it is a fantastic album, though I still think it could have been trimmed down. I think I'd be fine trimming known(1), d-sho qub, st epreo, and Yuop. Known(1) and s-sho qub are similarly tongue-in-cheek experiments, but as intriguing and/or funny as they are, I find they kind of ruin the vibe. St epreo is fine but nothing special, and Yuop is just too threadbare, I can tell they're going for epic but it's no Drane 2. That said -r ess is among the best tracks they've done, gorgeous openerqplay is another of their best tracks, probably my favorite on the album, the 'talking synths' at the end and melancholy vibe remind me of Rae. Truly amazing track.Treale is also great, I think a bit overrated, but there's that bit from 0:43-1:04 that is pure blissSee on See is almost too pretty, it's actually a bit awkward as to me it sounds too fast, the lushness doesn't have time to envelop you, but that's characteristic of the album.ilanders, pt2ph8, osveix3, 0=0, and krYlon are all lovely as well. So yeah, groovy album.