Mcafee 2008 Virusscan Enterprise [antivirus & Antispyware]

17.01.2020by admin
Mcafee 2008 Virusscan Enterprise [antivirus & Antispyware] 9,9/10 1163 reviews
  1. Mcafee Virusscan Enterprise 8.8 Patch 13
  2. Mcafee Virusscan Enterprise Edition Uninstall

This article provides a list of all McAfee and third-party products that VSE currently supports removing during VSE installation. This means VSE will attempt to uninstall the product using the uninstall string from the registry.

If the uninstall command fails, is not present, or requires user interaction, VSE may not be able to uninstall the third-party product. The products listed here are general product names and versions, which represent a longer list of specific GUIDs that can be uninstalled. If a product is listed here but does not uninstall, the actual GUID found in the registry for the product may not be currently represented by this article. To determine if a product can be uninstalled, use the Uninstall Registry key referenced below, and locate the GUID. Search the uninst.ini file included with the latest posted VSE installation package for the GUID. If it is not listed, the specific version installed is not covered as a product that will be uninstalled by VSE (as listed in this article).If you have a product that is not on this list and want VSE to uninstall it, submit a Product Enhancement Request (PER). For details on submitting a PER, refer to the Related Information section in this article.If you submit a PER, include an export of the following registry keys for the product that you want added to the VSE uninstall list:.

HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWARE(Company Name). HKEYLOCALMACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall(GUID for product). During the installation of VSE, the products listed below can be uninstalled. This list is not included in the posted documentation, but is contained in the UnInst.ini file used by the installer.IMPORTANT: The uninst.ini file contains the details of versions and descriptions of the third-party (or incompatible) products. The following list is generalized; therefore, if any product you are attempting to remove does not match the UnInst.ini criteria, that product will not be removed.

Mcafee Virusscan Enterprise 8.8 Patch 13

Mcafee 2008 Virusscan Enterprise [antivirus & Antispyware]

Mcafee Virusscan Enterprise Edition Uninstall

In such cases, submit a PER for the new product's details to be added in a future VSE release. For details on submitting a PER, refer to the Related Information section in this article.Contents.