Office 2007 Windows Installer Keeps Popping Up

25.01.2020by admin
Office 2007 Windows Installer Keeps Popping Up 6,8/10 512 reviews
  1. Windows Installer 3.1
  2. Window Installer Pop Up Removal

Want to improve this question? So it's for Stack Overflow.Closed 6 years ago.Is it possible to prevent the Windows Installer from running every time Access 2003 and Access 2007 are started, when they are both installed on the same machine at the same time.?Like many developers I need to run more than 1 version of MS Access. I have just installed Access 2007. If I open Access 2003 and then open Access 2007 I have to wait 3mins for the 'Configuring Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007.'

Then if I open Access 2003 again it takes another 30secs or so to configure that.PLEASE NOTE: I am using shortcuts to open the files that include the full path to Access. Eg to open Access 2007: 'C:program filesmicrosoft office 12office12msaccess.exe' 'C:test.accdb'and for 2003: 'C:program filesmicrosoft office 11office11msaccess.exe' 'C:test.mdb'.

The fix to the problem is very simple as it turns out -simply run the following commands (by pressing the Windows Key+R or typing it into the Start/Run command box.Use the line with Office11.0 if you have Office 2003 installed and Office12.0 if you have Office 2007 installed.You can use both if you have both installed: reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOffice11.0WordOptions /v NoReReg /t REGDWORD /d 1reg add HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftOffice12.0WordOptions /v NoReReg /t REGDWORD /d 1That is it. Office 2007 might want to have one more spin round the block with it's configuration dialog box, but that should be it.C: Program FilesCommon Filesmicrosoft sharedOFFICE12Office Setup ControllerSETUP.exe change to SETUPold.exeHKEYCURRENTUSERSoftwareClassesAccess.ApplicationThis key will cause the config screen to constantly cycle everytime you open Access 2007.By deleting the key and everything under it, it fixes the cycling problem and Access 2007 opens right away.

This is caused by Windows Installer, which is used by both installers. Advertised shortcuts as used by both Office 2003 and Office 2007 invoke Windows Installer to check that the entire feature is installed properly; the installer detects that something else (in this case the other product) has registered the file extensions used by Access (possibly the ProgIds as well) and decides that a repair is necessary, so it invokes the 'Configuring Office' dialog and proceeds to reinstall various components.To avoid this, run Access from Program Files directly; create shortcuts if you'll be doing this frequently.

Windows Installer 3.1


Window Installer Pop Up Removal

Our Excel 2007 VSTO solution (built in Visual Studio 2010 SP1 using C# 3.5) is published via ClickOnce.Clients deploy by clicking a URL using Internet Explorer that looks something like:It sometimes causes the Program Compatibility Wizard to pop up post-install and display 'This program might not have installed correctly.'