Orthos Prime

22.01.2020by admin
Orthos Prime 9,1/10 3833 reviews

It really depends if you want to farm Endo/credits, or farm things to sell for plat. It costs 40 920 Endo and 1 976 436 credits to fully level a Primed mod.Baro can be pretty RNG, so you might be waiting a while. But if he has a mod you want, he's usually a decent option. Keep in mid that he does sell them at rank 0, not fully ranked.trading for a mod can be worth it if you have a decent supply of Plat.

  1. Orthos Prime Build 2019
  2. Orthos Prime Blade Price
  3. Orthos Prime Build 2019

Trading for a Primed mod will cost you a 'tax' of 1 000 000 credits, on top of what you need to max the mod. Max rank mods are cheaper in terms of Endo/Credits, but much more expensive in terms of Plat. For example, Prime Reach costs 90-95 Plat unranked, and 400+ fully ranked.So it all depends on your personal time/effort put into different things, personal funds, and Baro RNG. If you don't have maiming strike and don't wanna pay the absurd amount it costs, you can swap it out with True Steel.No, you really can't.

True Steel adds 60% of the base crit chance, changing the Othos Prime from a 10% crit chance to a 16% crit chance. Maiming Strike adds a flat 90% crit chance, changing the Othos Prime from 10% crit chance to 100% crit chance. True Steel adds together with Blood Rush. Maiming Strike is multiplied by Blood Rush.At a 2.0x Combo, with the rest of the build the exact same, that's the difference between a 68.8% crit chance and 4294 DPS with True Steel, and a 430% crit chance and 19137 DPS with Maiming Strike.For comparison, a non-crit, status-based build will have roughly 9816 DPS at a 2.0 combo (and 3 status effects, which is more than reasonable).If you aren't using Maiming Strike, the Orthos Prime is not a crit weapon.

I use Bleeding Willow simply for its devestating and really fast attacks (and because its seriously fun to use), which I further increase with Fury and Berserker. I noticed that the weapon relies more on attacks speed than damage so I decided to put Corrosive to increase damage against heavily armored enemies. The weapon seems to had a low status chance so I tried to increase it with that mod (Also because I had nothing to put). Its fast attack speed and increased status chance makes it almost guranteed that the corrosion will proc, provided the enemy doesn't get instantly chopped into flying pieces when I slide attack it.But is this actually any good or am I overthinking it?Should I replace anything?Oh, and I don't have any primed mods and I don't want anything that has to do with channeling.

No one uses it, seriously. Originally posted by:I personally wouldn't mod an Orthos Prime for criticals - there are weapons that do that a lot better by their base stats.If you think Life Strike isn't used by anyone because it has anything to do with channelling. I think you are sorely mistaken.If you want my opinion on the build, I'd build the Orthos Prime for damage and put a Life Strike in it. Or for longer, melee-only fights, one of the two mods that increase the combo timer.

These are only if you hold the weapon. But I mostly find myself just using it when enemies decide to get close or when I am trying to complete the Uranus junction mission (5 missions with melee only objective) or when I use Limbo and chese the junction specters by putting them into the void, freeze them with the Statis ability and then just keep pressing E to win. Originally posted by:I personally wouldn't mod an Orthos Prime for criticals - there are weapons that do that a lot better by their base stats.If you think Life Strike isn't used by anyone because it has anything to do with channelling. I think you are sorely mistaken.If you want my opinion on the build, I'd build the Orthos Prime for damage and put a Life Strike in it. Or for longer, melee-only fights, one of the two mods that increase the combo timer. These are only if you hold the weapon.

But I mostly find myself just using it when enemies decide to get close or when I am trying to complete the Uranus junction mission (5 missions with melee only objective). Well that probably invalidates the combo counter option. Still, if you have ever wanted an instant health refill, you might want to quickly take that weapon in hand, slash one enemy with channelling and voila instant health refill.But if that's not an issue, I'd still say go for damage. The criticals are really not worth putting so many points into with the weapon. If you just want to trigger Berserker, take warframe.wikia.com and you're set.

But a Fury (which you already got in) and maybe a Reach to multi-hit more enemies at once might the better option.But in the end, Melee Prowess is a really bad mod to have in any weapon. You just cannot mod a weapon for status effects effectively without those dual stat mods that you are still missing. Originally posted by:These are only if you hold the weapon.

But I mostly find myself just using it when enemies decide to get close or when I am trying to complete the Uranus junction mission (5 missions with melee only objective). Westward game free full version download. Well that probably invalidates the combo counter option.

Still, if you have ever wanted an instant health refill, you might want to quickly take that weapon in hand, slash one enemy with channelling and voila instant health refill.But if that's not an issue, I'd still say go for damage. The criticals are really not worth putting so many points into with the weapon. If you just want to trigger Berserker, take warframe.wikia.com and you're set. But a Fury (which you already got in) and maybe a Reach to multi-hit more enemies at once might the better option.But in the end, Melee Prowess is a really bad mod to have in any weapon. You just cannot mod a weapon for status effects effectively without those dual stat mods that you are still missing. No need for Life Strike.

I play as Inaros and Oberon (and Limbo who can easily avoid damage with his rift walk ability)So either replace Melee Prowess with a dual stat mod (any specific one?), Reach or Maiming Strike (Which I can't get because it drops from 'Stalkers Acolytes' which I am guessing they are from the War Within Quest. I haven't read much to avoid any spoilers).

Orthos prime vs broken war

Originally posted by:Well that probably invalidates the combo counter option. Still, if you have ever wanted an instant health refill, you might want to quickly take that weapon in hand, slash one enemy with channelling and voila instant health refill.But if that's not an issue, I'd still say go for damage. The criticals are really not worth putting so many points into with the weapon. If you just want to trigger Berserker, take warframe.wikia.com and you're set. But a Fury (which you already got in) and maybe a Reach to multi-hit more enemies at once might the better option.But in the end, Melee Prowess is a really bad mod to have in any weapon.

You just cannot mod a weapon for status effects effectively without those dual stat mods that you are still missing. No need for Life Strike. I play as Inaros and Oberon (and Limbo who can easily avoid damage with his rift walk ability)So either replace Melee Prowess with a dual stat mod (any specific one?), Reach or Maiming Strike (Which I can't get because it drops from 'Stalkers Acolytes' which I am guessing they are from the War Within Quest. I haven't read much to avoid any spoilers) Yeah Inaros and Oberon probably won't get much out of Life Strike.

And if you haven't got Maiming Strike - don't bother with it. It's incredibly expensive right now (about 1k plat, I kid you not) and it's a timed exclusive from an event.If it should return some day (highly probable) keep in mind to grab one. Until then, it doesn't exist.;)As for specific damage mods, no. It usually depends on which faction you fight or what effects you want to cause. There's a good list of what's good against what on the wiki (Damage 2.0). As for effects, I personally prefer Radiation and Viral procs over the others.

As for single element procs, I like things that stun enemies (Heat, Electricity) but your milage (and taste) may vary so pick whatever you think suits you best.If you can, get yourself a Primed Pressure Point, Reach and Fury the next time Baro has them. They are a noticable boost to your melee weapon.

To almost any melee weapon, really. (Ok, Primed Reach on daggers might be less useful.). Originally posted by:No need for Life Strike.

I play as Inaros and Oberon (and Limbo who can easily avoid damage with his rift walk ability)So either replace Melee Prowess with a dual stat mod (any specific one?), Reach or Maiming Strike (Which I can't get because it drops from 'Stalkers Acolytes' which I am guessing they are from the War Within Quest. I haven't read much to avoid any spoilers) Yeah Inaros and Oberon probably won't get much out of Life Strike. And if you haven't got Maiming Strike - don't bother with it. It's incredibly expensive right now (about 1k plat, I kid you not) and it's a timed exclusive from an event.If it should return some day (highly probable) keep in mind to grab one. Until then, it doesn't exist.;)As for specific damage mods, no. It usually depends on which faction you fight or what effects you want to cause.

There's a good list of what's good against what on the wiki (Damage 2.0). As for effects, I personally prefer Radiation and Viral procs over the others. As for single element procs, I like things that stun enemies (Heat, Electricity) but your milage (and taste) may vary so pick whatever you think suits you best.If you can, get yourself a Primed Pressure Point, Reach and Fury the next time Baro has them. They are a noticable boost to your melee weapon. To almost any melee weapon, really. (Ok, Primed Reach on daggers might be less useful.) I am really lazy and absolutely hate having to keep changing elements for specific factions.

I already have Viral on my Dread. So replace Corrosive with Radiation on Orthos Prime?So right now, replace Melee Prowess with Reach. Originally posted by:I personally dropped all Crit Chance mods in favour of raw damage and reach so I can decimate Infested when they try to swarm me. Doesn't work that bad against other factions either.And obviously you should put either Body Count or Drifting Contact to prolong that sweet-sweet combo multiplier.Additionaly Melee Prowess is pure useless.

Orthos Prime Build 2019


Get rid of it. I could replace the crit mods with damage mods instead. If there was any more to replace them with.As for combo multipliers, I rarely wield the melee weapon in-game unless I am fighting Infested, doing the Melee only quest for Uranus Junction, when I am leveling the weapon when I forma it or when using Limbo to chesee junction specters by freezing them with statis and then beating the crap out of them.

Orthos Prime Blade Price

Otherwise, I only use 'quick-melee'. Originally posted by:As for combo multipliers, I rarely wield the melee weapon in-game unless I am fighting Infested, doing the Melee only quest for Uranus Junction, when I am leveling the weapon when I forma it or when using Limbo to chesee junction specters by freezing them with statis and then beating the crap out of them. Otherwise, I only use 'quick-melee'Combo multiplier still works even if you are just quick melee'ing.

Orthos Prime Build 2019

You just don't see the counter. But if you don't use melee in short intervals then sure, you can ignore combo duration. Personally, I like building the Orthos Prime as a Status Weapon and adding Condition Overload to make up for the lower overall damage vs. Pure damage builds.

I find that this works really well on the star chart where the Orthos Prime shines. As a sidenote, the Orthos Prime has some weird stuff that it does when used in pure stance form, so it is often most effectively used as a pure quick melee weapon.So the general idea is:Add the 4 Status/Damage Mods to bring Overall Status up to 51%Add in Pressure Point/Primed Pressure Point as a given for the damageAdd in Reach/Primed Reach to maximize range.

In your build you opted for Fury, but Reach is a lot more effective on the Orthos Prime since it makes its range extremely large, and Orthos Prime already has an above average attack speed. You should always have a Reach Mod on an Orthos Prime build.Add in Condition Overload. Condition Overload gives you 60% bonus damage for every status effect that you inflict upon an opponent which is very effective given the range of Orthos Prime and the relatively quick attack speed. In a few seconds you will be hitting groups of enemies with bonus damage.Add in Healing Return. This is a personal preference of mine, but a Status Built Orthos Prime is one of the best weapons for Healing Return since it has such a large range. You regen hundreds of HP by hitting groups of enemies which is a really nice way of avoiding life strike for those of us who don't channel. If you don't need healing on your build, this is the slot to add in something like Fury.

Alternatively, you could add in a Mod to boost the Slash damage of the weapon.Here's my build. I was reading through the rest of the thread and you might not have all of the mods needed for my Status build. I would recommend going for a more damage focused build in that case with the critical additions of Reach and Pressure Point to your build while removing the mods based around crit/status chance.Melee Prowess is one of a class of extremely outdated Status Mods that are unfortunately still in the game.

It is now useless since a damage/status mod gives you +60% Status while Melee Prowess gives you +15%. I wouldn't recommend ever using Melee Prowess on a build.Berserker is a mod that is fine for crit based weapons, especially those with lower attack speed, but the orthos isn't the best weapon for the mod. You might be able to make it work if you get the crit chance above 20% and hit groups, but I would prefer to see a +90% damage elemental instead.I would take out Organ Shatter and True Steel as well since the crit chance is too low to build around and the spots are better used for damage elementals right now.So as far as a recommended early game build goes:Pressure Point for the extra damageReach for the extra weapon rangeFury for the extra weapon attack speedAll of the +90% damage elementalsYour choice of another damage mod for now. If you have something that increases slash damage, that might not be a bad option. If you have nothing that you can use in this slot for the moment, you can put true steel back on for the time being.Then as you get the Status/Damage mods, you can start to craft the Orthos Prime into a status based weapon.