Drivers For Kodak Easyshare C613

03.01.2020by admin
Drivers For Kodak Easyshare C613 7,6/10 3451 reviews

Setting up your cameraStoring pictures on an SD or MMC cardYour camera has internal memory. You can purchase an SD or MMC card to conveniently store more pictures and videos ( We recommend Kodak SD or MMC cards.NOTE: When using the card for the first time, format the card in this camera before taking pictures ( see page 26). To choose a storage location for pictures and videos, see page 24.1 Turn off the camera.2 Insert or remove the optional card.3 Turn on the camera.CAUTION:A card can only be inserted one way; forcing it may cause damage.

If you insert or remove a card while the camera is accessing it, the card, pictures, or camera may be damaged.See page 50 for storage 2 Taking pictures/videos Taking a picture12Press the Shutter button halfway to focus and set exposure.When the framing brackets turn green, press the Shutter button completely down.Framing brackets Reviewing the picture just takenAfter you take a picture or video, the LCD displays a quickview for approximately 10 seconds. (To exit the quickview sooner, press the Shutter button halfway.)The picture is savedDeleteunless you press theDelete button.Play a video.To review pictures/videos anytime, see page When the framing marks turn green, focus is accomplished.2 If the camera is not focusing on the desired subject (or if the framing marks disappear), release the Shutter button and recompose the scene.3 Press the Shutter button completely down to take the picture.NOTE: Framing marks do not appear in all modes. When you use AF Zone and set Center Zone, the framing marks are fixed at Center Wide.

Taking a video12Press the Shutter button completely down and release.To stop recording, press and release the Shutter button again.To hear audio, transfer the video to your WTD■ As you zoom, you need to move further fromyour subject.Using the digital zoomUse digital zoom in any Still mode or during video recording to get up to 5X magnification beyond optical zoom.1 Press Telephoto (T) to the maximum optical zoom limit. Release the button, then press it again.2 Take the picture.NOTE: You may notice decreased image quality when using digital zoom. The slider on the zoom indicator turns red when the picture quality reaches the limit for an acceptable 4 x 6-in.

(10 x 15 cm) Taking pictures/videosUsing the flashUse the flash when you take pictures at night, indoors, or outdoors in heavy shadows.Press the button repeatedly to scroll through flash modes (see Flash modes below).The current flash mode appears in the LCD screen.Flash-to-subject distanceZoom positionFlash distanceWide angle0.6–3.5 m (2–11.5 ft) @ ISO 200Telephoto0.6–2.0 m (2–6.6 ft) @ ISO 200Flash modesFlash firesAuto FlashWhen the lighting conditions require it.FillEvery time you take a picture, regardless of the lighting conditions. Usewhen the subject is in shadow or is “backlit” (when the light is behindthe subject).

In low light, hold the camera steady or use a tripod.Red-eyeThe flash fires twice—once, then again when the picture is Taking pictures/videosUsing different picture-taking modesChoose the mode that best suits your subjects and surroundings.Use this modeForAutoGeneral picture taking—offers an excellent balance of image qualityand ease of use.Digital ImageMinimizing the effects of camera shake and subject movement.StabilizationClose-upClose range.

Use available light instead of flash if possible. Thecamera automatically sets the focus distance depending on the zoomposition.SCN ScenePoint-and-shoot simplicity when taking pictures under specialconditions. (See page 9.)VideoCapturing video with sound.


(See page 5.)FavoritesReviewing favorite pictures. (See page 30.) Taking pictures/videosScene modesChoose a Scene mode—for great pictures in practically any situation!1 Turn the Mode dial to Scene.2 Pressto display Scene mode descriptions.If the mode description turns off before you finish reading it, press OK.3 Press OK to choose a Scene mode.Use thisForSCN modePortraitFull-frame portraits of people.NightReducing red eye of people in night scenes or low-light conditions. Place thePortraitcamera on a flat, steady surface or use a tripod.LandscapeFar-away scenes. The camera uses infinity auto-focus. Auto-focus framingmarks are not available in Landscape.NightDistant scenery at night.

Flash does not fire. Place the camera on a flat, steadyLandscapesurface or use a tripod.SportsSubjects in motion.SnowBright snow scenes.BeachBright beach scenes.Text/Documents. Focus is set to Auto Focus ( see page 24).DocumentBacklightSubjects that are in shadow or “backlit” (when light is behind the subject).Manner/Quiet occasions, like a wedding or lecture. Flash and sound are disabled.MuseumFireworksBright, colorful light displays. Flash does not fire. Place the camera on a flat,steady surface or use a tripod.High ISOPeople indoors, in low-light scenes. Minimizes red eye.ChildrenAction pictures of children in bright

3 Working with pictures/videos Reviewing pictures/videosPress the Review button to view and work with your pictures/videos. Press Review again to exit.1 Press the Review button.2 Press to view previous/next picture/video. To save battery power, use an optional KodakEasyShare dock or Kodak 3-volt AC adapter. ( ).ReviewNOTE: Pictures taken at a 3:2 picture size have a black bar at the top and bottom. Pictures taken at 16:9 picture size have a black bar at the sides.

A video’s duration is displayed at the top of the LCD. Magnifying pictures1 Press the Review button.2 Press W/T to magnify 2X–8X.3 Press to view other parts of the picture.4 Press OK to return to 1X.NOTE: If you presswhile at 1X, the view changes fromsingle-picture to multi-up thumbnails. (See page 13.) Working with pictures/videosDeleting pictures/videos1 Press the Review button.2 Press for previous/next picture/video.3 Press the Delete button.4 Follow the screen prompts. Protecting pictures/videos from deletion1 Press the Review button.2 Press for previous/next picture/video.3 Press the Menu button.4 Pressto highlight Protect, then press OK.The picture/video is protected and cannot be deleted.

The Protect iconappearswith the protected picture/video.■ Press the Menu button to exit the menu.CAUTION:Formatting internal memory or an SD or MMC card deletes all (including protected) pictures/videos. (Formatting internal memory also deletes email addresses, album names, and favorites.

To restore them, see EasyShare software Help.) Working with pictures/videosUsing Kodak Perfect Touch technologyKodak Perfect Touch technology helps ensure better, brighter pictures.1 Press the Review button, then for previous/next picture.2 Press the Menu button. Pressto highlight Edit Picture, then press OK.3 Press to highlight Perfect Touch tech., then press OK.The enhancement is previewed in a split screen. Press to view other parts of the picture.4 Press OK.

Follow the screen prompts to replace the original picture or to save the enhanced picture as a new one.NOTE: You cannot enhance previously enhanced pictures.■ Press the Menu button to exit the menu. Cropping picturesYou can crop a picture so that only the desired portion of the picture remains.1Press the Review button, thento find apicture.Press the Menu button. Pressto2PictureCropped picturehighlight Edit Picture, then press OK.3Pressto highlight Crop, then press OK.4 Press Telephoto (T) to zoom in, orto move the crop box. Press OK.5 Follow the screen prompts.The picture is cropped. The original is saved.

(Cropped pictures cannot be cropped again.)■ Press the Menu button to exit the Working with pictures/videosEditing videos Making a picture from a videoYou can choose a single frame from a video, then make a picture suitable for printing.1 Press the Review button, then to find a video.2 Press the Menu button. Press tohighlight Edit Video, then press OK.Video Picture3 Press to highlight Make Picture, then press OK.4 Press OK to select a video frame.5 Follow the screen prompts to save the picture.A picture is created. (The original video is saved.)■ Press the Menu button to exit the menu. Trimming a videoYou can delete an unwanted portion from the beginning or end of a video.1 Press the Review button, then to find a video.2 Press the Menu button.

Press to highlight Edit Video, then press OK.VideoTrimmed videoto highlight Trim, then press OK.3 Press4 Follow the screen prompts. (Use fast-forward and fast-reverse, if needed.)The video is trimmed. (You can save it as a new video or replace the original.)■ Press the Menu button to exit the 4 Choose an option, then press OK.Auto options: The camera includes the first and last frames, then 2, 7, or 14 equally spaced frames.Manual options: You choose the first and last frames; the camera chooses 2, 7, or 14 equally spaced frames.■ Press the Menu button to exit the menu. Running a slide showUse Slide Show to display your pictures/videos on the LCD. Starting the slide show1 Press the Review button, then the Menu button.2 Press to highlight Slide Show, then press OK.3 Press to highlight Begin Show, then press OK.Each picture/video is displayed once.To interrupt the Slide Show, press Working with pictures/videosChanging the slide show display intervalThe default interval setting displays each picture for 5 seconds.

You can set the display interval from 3–60 seconds.1 On the Slide Show menu, press to highlight Interval, then press OK.2 Select a display interval.To scroll through the seconds quickly, press and hold.3 Press OK.The interval setting remains until you change it. Running a continuous slide show loopWhen you turn on Loop, the slide show is continuously repeated.1 On the Slide Show menu, press to highlight Loop, then press OK.2 Press to highlight On, then press OK.3 Press to highlight Begin Show, then press OK.The slide show repeats until you press OK or until battery power is exhausted. The loop feature remains until you change Working with pictures/videosCopying pictures/videosYou can copy pictures/videos from a card to internal memory or from internal memory to a card.Before you copy, make sure that:■ A card is inserted in the camera.■ The camera’s image storage location is set to the location from which you are copying ( see page 24).Copy pictures/videos:1 Press the Review button, then the Menu button.2 Press to highlight Copy, then press OK.3 Press to highlight an option.4 Press OK.NOTE: Pictures/videos are copied, not moved. To remove pictures/videos from the original location after copying, delete them (see page 14).Tags that you applied for print, email, and favorites are not copied.

Protection settings are not copied. To apply protection to a picture/video, see page

4 Doing more with your camera Changing picture-taking settingsYou can change settings to get the best results from your camera.1 Press the Menu button.2 Press to highlight a setting, then press OK.3 Choose an option, then press OK.■ Press the Menu button to exit the menu.NOTE: To better understand each menu option, use camera Help. Highlight a menu choice, then press thebutton.Some settings remain until you change them; others, until you change modes or turn off the camera. Some modes offer limited settings.Press Menu, and OKOptionsto access settingsSelf-timer10 seconds (default)—so you have time to get into thescene.2 seconds—for a steady, auto-shutter release on a tripod.2-shot—one picture is taken after a 10-second delay. Asecond picture is taken 8 seconds later.Exposure Compensation0.0, -0.5, -1.0, -1.5, -2.0, +0.5, +1.0, +1.5, +2.0Increase or decrease brightnessbefore taking a picture.

(Also seepage 27.) Doing more with your cameraPress Menu, and OKOptionsto access settingsPicture Size6.1 MP (default)—pictures are highest resolution andChoose a picture resolution. Forlargest file sizerecommended print sizes, visit5.4 MP (3:2)—for printing on EasyShare printer docks printers3.1 MP—medium file size2.2 MP (3:2)—printing on EasyShare printer docks andphoto printers (at a lower resolution than 5.4 MP)2.1 MP (16:9)— HDTV format1.2 MP—email, Internet, or to conserve spaceWhite BalanceAuto (default)—automatically corrects white balance.Choose your lighting condition.Ideal for general picture taking.Daylight—for pictures in natural lighting.Tungsten—corrects the orange cast of household lightbulbs. Ideal for indoor pictures under tungsten or halogenlighting without flash.Fluorescent—corrects the green cast of fluorescentlighting. Ideal for indoor pictures under fluorescent lightingwithout flash.Open Shade—for pictures in shade in natural lighting.ISO SpeedChoose a lower ISO setting in brightly lit scenes; use a higherControl the camera’s sensitivityISO for low-light scenes. Choose Auto (default), 80, 100,to light.200, 400, 800.NOTE: ISO returns to Auto when the camera is set to Portrait orSCN mode.Unavailable in Video Doing more with your cameraPress Menu, and OKOptionsto access settingsAF ZoneMulti-zone (default)—evaluates 5 zones to give an evenSelect a large or concentratedpicture focus.

Ideal for general picture taking.area of focus.Center-zone—evaluates the small area centered in theviewfinder. Ideal when precise focus of a specific area in thepicture is needed.NOTE: For the best pictures, the camera is set to Multi-zone whenin Landscape mode.Color ModeColor (default)Choose color tones.Black & WhiteSepia—pictures have a reddish-brown, antique look.NOTE: EasyShare software also lets you change a color picture toblack-and-white or sepia.Unavailable in Video mode.Set AlbumOn or OffChoose Album names.Pre-select album names before you take pictures or videos.Then, all the pictures or videos you take are tagged withthose album names. See page 33.Image StorageAuto (default)—the camera uses the card if one is in theChoose a storage location forcamera.

How to decrypt psp iso on pc windows 10. If not, the camera uses internal Memory—the camera uses internal memory,even if a card is installed.NOTE: If you fill up your card while taking pictures, your camera’smemory plus feature prompts you to switch to internalmemory, if space is available. Memory plus is unavailable inVideo mode.Video Size640 x 480 (default)Available only in Video mode.320 x Doing more with your cameraPress Menu, and OKOptionsto access settingsSetup MenuSee Customizing your camera on page 25.Choose additional settings.Customizing your cameraUse Setup to customize your camera settings.1 In any mode, press the Menu button.2 Press to highlight Setup, then press OK.3 Press to highlight a setting, then press OK.4 Choose an option, then press OK.5 Press the Menu button to exit.NOTE: Press the LCD/Info button for information about camera settings and options.

These settings remain until you change them.Press Menu,to highlight Setup,Optionsthen OK toaccesssettingsReturn to previous menu.Camera SoundsAll On (default)Choose sound effects.Shutter OnlyAll OffSound VolumeOffLowMedium (default) Doing more with your cameraPress Menu,to highlight Setup,Optionsthen OK toaccesssettingsAuto Power Off10 minutesChoose inactivity time until camera turns off. Doing more with your cameraUsing exposure compensation to adjust picture brightnessBefore you take a picture, you can adjust exposure compensation to make pictures darker or lighter.■ Press to decrease exposure compensation.■ Press to increase exposure compensation.The exposure compensation level is shown on the LCD; the LCD gets brighter or dimmer. Using the framing grid to compose a pictureThe framing grid divides the LCD into thirds—vertically and horizontally. This is helpful if, for example, you want to balance a picture between water, earth, and sky.To turn on the framing grid in Auto/SCN modes,press the Info/Display button until the grid appears. Sharing your picturesPress the Share button to tag your pictures and videos. When they are transferred to your computer, you can share them.

Use the Share button:■ Any time. (The most recent picture/video taken is then displayed.)■ Just after you take a picture/video, during quickview.■ After pressing the Review

Doing more with your cameraTagging pictures for printing1 Press the Share button. Press to locate a picture.2 Press to highlight Print, then press OK.3 Press to select the number of copies (0-99). Zero removes the tag for that picture.Optional: You can apply a print quantity to other pictures. Press to locate apicture. Press to change the print quantity.

Repeat until the desired print quantity is applied to pictures.4 Press OK.The Print icon appears in the status area.5 Press the Share button to exit the menu. To tag all pictures in the storage location, highlight Print All, press OK, then indicate the number of copies. Print All is not available in quickview. To remove print tagging for all pictures in the storage location, highlight Cancel Prints, then press OK. Cancel Prints is not available in quickview. Printing tagged picturesWhen you transfer the tagged pictures to your computer, the Kodak EasyShare software print screen opens.

For details, click the Help button in EasyShare software.For more information on printing from your computer, printer dock, PictBridge enabled printer, or card, see page 35.NOTE: For the best 4 x 6 in. (10 x 15 cm) prints, set the camera to the 5.4 MP (3:2) picture size setting ( see page 23.) Doing more with your cameraTagging pictures and videos for emailingFirst—on your computerUse Kodak EasyShare software to create an email address book on your computer.

Then copy up to 32 email addresses to the camera’s internal memory. For details, click the Help button in EasyShare software.Second—tag pictures/videos on your camera1 Press the Share button. Press to locate a picture/video.2 Press to highlight Email, then press OK.The Email icon appears in the status area.3 Pressto highlight an email address, then press OK.4 To tag other pictures/videos with the same address, press to scroll through them. When the picture you want is displayed, press OK.5 To send the pictures/videos to more than one address, repeat step 3 for each address.Selected addresses are checked.6 To remove a selection, highlight a checked address and press OK. To remove all email selections, highlight Clear All.7 Press to highlight Exit, then press OK.8 Press the Share button to exit the menu.Third—transfer and emailWhen you transfer the tagged pictures/videos to your computer, the Email screen opens and lets you send them to the addresses you specified. For details, click the Help button in Kodak EasyShare Doing more with your cameraTagging pictures as favoritesYou can preserve your favorite pictures in the Favorites section of your camera’s internal memory, then share them with friends and family.NOTE: When you transfer pictures from your camera to your computer, all pictures (including favorites) are stored on your computer at full size.

Favorite pictures - smaller copies of your originals - are loaded back to your camera, so you can share and enjoy more.1. Tag pictures as1Press the Share button. Pressto locate a picture.favorites2Pressto highlight Favorite, then press OK.The Favorite iconappears in the status area. To remove the tag, pressOK again.Press the Share button to exit the menu.2. Transfer1To enjoy all the available features, load and use the EasySharepictures to yoursoftware that was packaged with this camera. (See page 35.)computer2Connect the camera to the computer using the USB cable (seepage 36) or an EasyShare dock.The first time you transfer pictures, the software helps you make choicesabout your favorite pictures. Then, your pictures are transferred to thecomputer.

Favorite pictures (smaller versions of the originals) are loadedto the Favorites section of your camera’s internal memory.3. View favorites1Turn the Mode dial to Favorites.on your camera2Pressto scroll through favorites.NOTE: The camera holds a limited number of favorites. Use Camera Favorites in the EasyShare software to customize the size of your camera Favorites section. Videos tagged as favorites remain in the Favorites folder in EasyShare software.

For details, click the Help button in EasyShare Doing more with your cameraOptional settingsIn Favorites mode, press the Menu button to access optional settings.Slide Show ( page 17)Remove favorites ( page 31)Multi-up ( page 13)Setup Menu ( page 25)NOTE: Pictures taken at a 3:2 picture size have a black bar at the top and bottom. Pictures taken at 16:9 picture size have a black bar at the sides. A video’s duration is displayed at the top of the LCD. Removing favorites from your camera1 Turn the Mode dial to Favorites.2 Press the Menu button.3 Highlight Remove Favorites, then press OK.All pictures stored in the Favorites section of internal memory are removed. Favorites are restored the next time you transfer pictures to the computer.4 Press the Menu button to exit the

Doing more with your cameraPreventing camera favorites from synchronizing with the softwareIf you don’t want to use the favorites feature:1 Open EasyShare software.2 From the Tools menu, select Cameras/Viewers Sync and Transfer Manager.3 Click to highlight your camera, then click Camera Favorites Album Properties. NOTE: If your camera model is not visible, use the USB cable to connect your camera to the computer.4 Drag the Internal Memory slider to 0%, then click OK.5 Close the Sync and Transfer Manager window.Camera favorites will no longer synchronize with EasyShare software. To turn on the sync feature, select Yes, synchronize with my software.To delete favorites from your camera, press the Delete button while in Favorites mode.

Printing and emailing favorites1 Turn the Mode dial to Favorites. Press to locate a picture.2 Press the Share button.3 Highlight Print or Email, then press OK.NOTE: Favorites that were taken on this camera (not imported from another source) are good for prints up to 4 x 6 in.

(10 x 15 cm). Tagging pictures/videos for albumsUse the Album feature in Review mode to tag the pictures/videos in your camera with album names.First—on your computerUse EasyShare software to create albums on your computer, then copy up to 32 album names to the camera’s internal memory. See EasyShare software Help for Doing more with your cameraSecond—on your camera1 Press the Review button, then locate the picture or video.2 Press the Menu button.3 Press to highlight Album, then press OK.4 Press to highlight an album folder, then press OK.To add other pictures to the same album, press to scroll through the pictures.

When the picture you want is displayed, press OK.To add the pictures to more than one album, repeat step 4 for each album.The album name appears with the picture. A plus (+) after the album name means the picture was added to more than one album.To remove a selection, highlight an album name and press OK.

To remove all album selections, select Clear All.Third—transfer to your computerWhen you transfer the tagged pictures/videos to your computer, EasyShare software opens and categorizes your pictures/videos in the appropriate album folder. See EasyShare software Help for details.

Pre-tagging for album namesUse the Set Album feature to pre-select album names before you take pictures or videos. Then, all the pictures or videos you take are tagged with those album names.First—on your computerUse the EasyShare software that was packaged with your camera to create album names on your computer.

The next time you connect the camera to the computer, copy up to 32 albums to the album name list. See EasyShare software Help for

Doing more with your cameraSecond—on your camera1 In any mode, press the Menu button.2 Press to highlight Set Album, then press OK.3 Press to highlight an album name, then press OK. Repeat to mark pictures or videos for albums.Selected albums are noted with a check mark.4 To remove a selection, highlight an album name and press OK.

To remove all album selections, select Clear All.5 Highlight Exit, then press OK.Your selections are saved. If you turn on the LCD, your album selection is displayed on the screen. A plus (+) after the album name means more than one album is selected.6 Press the Menu button to exit the menu.Third—transfer to your computerWhen you transfer the tagged pictures or videos to your computer, EasyShare software opens and categorizes your pictures in the appropriate album. See EasyShare software Help for 5 Transferring and printing pictures Installing the softwareCAUTION:Install EasyShare software before connecting the camera to the computer. Transferring and printing picturesTransferring pictures with the USB cable1Turn off the camera.2Connect the USB cable (U-8).3 Turn on the camera.Kodak EasyShare software opens on your computer and prompts you through the transfer process.NOTE: Visit for an online tutorial on connecting.

Also available for transferringYou can also use these Kodak products to transfer your pictures and videos.■ Kodak EasyShare camera dock, Kodak EasyShare printer dock (see page 37)■ Kodak multi-card reader, Kodak SD multimedia card reader-writerPurchase these and other accessories at a dealer of Kodak products or visit Transferring and printing picturesPrinting pictures Printing with a Kodak EasyShare printer dockDock your camera to the Kodak EasyShare printer dock and print directly—with or without a computer.

Purchase this and other accessories at a dealer of Kodak products or visit Direct printing with a PictBridge enabled printerYour camera is compatible with PictBridge technology, so you can print directly to PictBridge enabled printers. You need:■ Camera with fully charged batteries■ PictBridge enabled printer■ USB cable (may be sold separately) Connecting the camera to a PictBridge enabled printer1 Turn off the camera and printer.2 Connect the appropriate USB cable from the camera to the printer. (See your printer user guide or visit Transferring and printing picturesPrinting from a PictBridge enabled printer1 Turn on the printer. Turn on the camera.The PictBridge logo is displayed, followed by the current picture and menu. (If no pictures are found, a message is displayed.) If the menu interface turns off, press any button to redisplay it.2 Press to choose a printing option, then press OK.Current Picture—Press to choose a picture.

Choose the number of copies.Tagged Pictures—If your printer is capable, print pictures that you tagged for printing and choose a print size.Index Print—Print thumbnails of all pictures. This option requires one or more sheets of paper. If the printer is capable, choose a print size.All Pictures—Print all pictures in internal memory, on a card, or in Favorites. Choose the number of copies.Image Storage—Access internal memory, a card, or Favorites.NOTE: During direct printing, pictures are not permanently transferred or saved to the computer or printer. Disconnecting the camera from a PictBridge enabled printer1 Turn off the camera and printer.2 Disconnect the USB cable from the camera and the printer.

Using a printer that is not PictBridge enabledFor details on printing pictures from your computer, click the Help button in EasyShare Transferring and printing picturesOrdering prints onlineKodak Gallery ( is one of the many online print services offered in the Kodak EasyShare software. You can easily:■ Upload your pictures.■ Edit, enhance, and add borders to your pictures.■ Store pictures, and share them with family and friends.■ Order high-quality prints, photo greeting cards, frames, and albums—and have them delivered to your door. Printing from an optional SD/MMC card■ Automatically print tagged pictures when you insert your card into a printer with an SD/MMC card slot. See your printer user’s guide for details.■ Make prints at an SD/MMC-capable Kodak picture maker/picture kiosk.

(Contact a location before visiting. Visit■ Take the card to your local photo retailer for professional printing.

Dock compatibility for your cameraTo see which Kodak EasyShare docks are compatible with your camera, visit camera docks, printer docks, and other accessories at a dealer of Kodak products or visit 6 TroubleshootingFor step-by-step product support, visit and select Interactive Troubleshooting & Repairs. Camera problemsIf.Try one or more of the followingCamera does not■ Install new batteries (see page 1).turn on.■ Charge rechargeable batteries.Camera does not■ Remove the battery, then reinsert or replace it. If the camera still doesturn off.not function, visit and selectInteractive Troubleshooting & Repairs.Pictures remaining■ The camera is operating normally. Continue taking pictures.number does notdecrease aftertaking a picture.Short battery life■ Wipe the contacts with a clean, dry cloth ( see page 52) before loadingwith Kodak Ni-MHbatteries in the camera.rechargeable■ Limit the following activities that quickly deplete battery power:digital camerareviewing pictures/videos on the LCD; excessive use of the flash.batteries.■ If you own an EasyShare camera dock series 3 or EasyShare printerdock series 3, use the Battery Refresh feature.Stored pictures are■ Retake pictures. Do not remove card while the camera is accessing it.corrupted.Keep rechargeable batteries charged.■ Transfer pictures to the computer (see page 36), then format the cardin the camera ( see page 26).Caution: Formatting a card deletes all pictures and videos,including protected TroubleshootingIf.Try one or more of the followingCamera does not■ Purchase a certified SD/MMC card.recognize■ Reformat the card ( see page 26).SD/MMC card.Caution: Formatting a card deletes all pictures and videos,including protected files.■ Insert a card into the slot, then push to seat (see page 3).Camera freezes up■ Turn the camera off, then back on.

TroubleshootingIf.Try one or more of the followingCannot transfer■ Disconnect the USB cable. (If using camera dock or printer dock,pictures.disconnect cable and remove camera from dock). Close all open(The Add Newapplications. Re-install the software (see page 35).■ Disconnect the USB cable.

Close all software applications. Re-installHardware Wizardcannot locatethe software (see page 35).drivers.)LCD screen messagesIf.Try one or more of the followingNo images to■ Change image storage location setting ( see page 24).displayMemory card■ Insert a new card (see page 3) or format the card ( see page 26).requiresCaution: Formatting a card deletes all pictures and videos,formattingincluding protected files.Memory cardcannot be read(Please formatmemory card orinsert anothercard)Only one USB■ Unplug the USB cable from the camera.connectionallowed.Disconnect cableor rem. (remove)camera from TroubleshootingIf.Try one or more of the followingInternal memory■ Format the internal memory ( see page 26).requiresCaution: Formatting deletes all pictures and videos, includingformattingprotected files. (Formatting internal memory also deletes emailInternal memoryaddresses, album names, and Favorites.

TroubleshootingIf.Try one or more of the followingNo album names■ Create and copy album names from computer. See the Kodakon cameraEasyShare software Help.(Connect withcomputer toimport albumnames)High camera■ Leave the camera off for 10 minutes, then turn it back on.temperature.If the message reappears, visit and(Camera will beselect Interactive Troubleshooting & Repairs.turned off.)Can only mark■ Delete one or more album names associated with the image (seeimage with 32page 33 ).album names. Onlythe first 32 albumnames will besavedUnrecognized file■ Transfer the picture to the computer (see page 36), or delete it (seeformatpage 14 ).Camera error■ Turn camera off, then back on. If the message reappears, visit#XXXX. See user’ and select Interactiveguide.Troubleshooting &

8 Appendix Camera specificationsFor more specifications, visit—1/2.5 in. CCD, 4:3 aspect ratioOutput image size—6.1 MP: 2848 x 2134 pixels5.4 MP (3:2): 2848 x 1896 pixels3.1 MP: 2048 x 1536 pixels2.2 MP (3:2): 1800 x 1200 pixels2.1 MP (16:9): 1920 x 1080 pixels1.2 MP: 1280 x 960 pixelsColor display—6.35 cm (2.5 in.); 115K (480 x 240) pixels; 30 fps; field-of-view: 100%.Taking lens—3X optical zoom lens f/2.7–f/4.8; 36 mm–108 mm (35 mm equivalent)Lens barrier—Automatic built-inFocus system—TTL-AF; selectable multi-zone AF, center-zone AF. Working range: 0.6 m (2 ft)–infinity @ normal0.13–0.7 m (5–28 in.) @ close-up/macro, wide 0.22–0.7 m (8.7–28 in.) @ close-up/macro, tele 10 m (32.8 ft)–infinity @ LandscapeDigital zoom—5.0X continuous with 0.2X incrementsExposure metering—Multi-pattern, Center-weight, Center-spotExposure compensation—+/-2.0 EV with 0.5 EV AppendixShutter speed—Mechanical shutter with CCD; Auto: 1/2–1/1400 sec.ISO speed—Auto: 80–200 (Anti-shake: 80–400; High ISO: 1250) Manual: 80, 100, 200, 400, 800Electronic flash—Guide no. 7.0 (@ ISO 100); auto flash working range at ISO 200: Wide: 0.6–3.5 m (2–11.5 ft.); Tele: 0.6–2.0 m (2–6.6 ft.)Flash modes—Auto, Fill, Red-eye, OffCapture modes—Auto, SCN, Close-up, Digital Image Stabilization, VideoVideo capture—VGA (640 x 480) @ 15 fps; QVGA (320 x 240) @ 30 fpsImage file format—Still: EXIF 2.21 (JPEG compression); file organization: DCF Video: MOV; CODEC Motion JPEG; G.711 (audio)Image storage—Optional SD/MMC Card.

AppendixOperating temperature— 32–104 ° F (0–40 ° C)Size—91 mm (3.6 in.) x 65.7 mm (2.6 in.) x 37.25 mm (1.5 in.) @ power offWeight—137 g (4.8 oz) without battery or card Care and maintenance■ If you suspect water has gotten inside the camera, remove the battery and card. Allow all components to air-dry for at least 24 hours before using the camera.■ Blow gently on the lens or LCD to remove dust and dirt. Wipe gently with a soft, lint-free cloth or an untreated lens-cleaning tissue.

Do not use cleaning solutions unless designed specifically for camera lenses. Do not allow chemicals, such as suntan lotion, to contact painted surfaces.■ Service agreements may be available in your country. Contact a dealer of Kodak products for more information.■ For digital camera disposal or recycling information, contact your local authorities.

In the US, visit the Electronics Industry Alliance Web site at or the Kodak Web site at Upgrading your software and firmwareDownload the latest versions of the software included on the Kodak EasyShare software CD and the camera firmware (the software that runs on the camera). Visit Storage capacitiesThe LCD displays the approximate number of pictures (or minutes/seconds of video) remaining. For average SD card capacities, visit Actual storage capacity varies depending on subject composition, card size, and other factors. You may be able to store more or fewer pictures and videos.

Favorites take up additional space in internal Appendix Important safety instructionsCAUTION:Do not disassemble this product; there are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.

Kodak AC adapters and battery chargers are intended for indoor use only. The use of controls, adjustments, or procedures other than those specified herein may result in exposure to shock and/or electrical or mechanical hazards. If the LCD breaks, do not touch the glass or liquid.

Contact Kodak customer support.■ The use of an accessory that is not recommended by Kodak may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. For approved accessories, visit■ Use only a USB-certified computer equipped with a current-limiting motherboard. Contact your computer manufacturer if you have questions.■ If using this product in an airplane, observe all instructions of the airline.■ When removing the battery, allow it to cool; it may be hot.■ Read and follow all warnings and instructions supplied by the battery manufacturer.■ Use only batteries approved for this product to avoid risk of explosion.■ Keep batteries out of the reach of children.■ Do not allow batteries to touch metal objects, including coins. Otherwise, a battery may short circuit, discharge energy, become hot, or leak.■ Do not disassemble, install backward, or expose batteries to liquid, moisture, fire, or extreme temperature.■ Remove the battery when the product is stored for an extended period of time. In the unlikely event that battery fluid leaks inside the product, contact Kodak customer support.■ In the unlikely event that battery fluid leaks onto your skin, wash immediately with water and contact your local health provider.

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For additional health-related information, contact your local Kodak customer Appendix■ Dispose of batteries according to local and national regulations. Visit■ Do not charge non-rechargeable batteries.For more information on batteries, visit Battery lifeBatteryPicturesKodak Ni-MH rechargeable digital camera battery KAA2HR580(2)Kodak Ni-MH rechargeable digital camera batteries AA380(2)Kodak oxy-alkaline digital camera batteries AA150-200. Approximate number of pictures in Auto mode (CIPA testing method using internal memory.) For acceptable battery life, and to make sure your camera operates dependably, use the batteries listed.

Actual battery life may vary based on usage. Extending battery life■ See Auto Power Off ( see page 26).■ Limit the following activities that quickly deplete battery power:– Reviewing your pictures on the LCD (see page 12)– Excessive use of the flash■ Dirt on the battery contacts can affect battery life. Wipe the contacts with a clean, dry cloth before loading batteries in the camera.■ Battery performance is reduced at temperatures below 41 ° F (5 ° C). When using your camera in cold weather, carry spare batteries and keep them warm. Do not discard cold batteries that do not work; when they return to room temperature, they may be

AppendixLimited WarrantyKodak warrants Kodak consumer electronic products and accessories (“Products”), excluding batteries, to be free from malfunctions and defects in both materials and workmanship for one year from the date of purchase. Retain the original dated sales receipt. Proof of the date of purchase will be required with any request for warranty repair.Limited warranty coverageWarranty service is only available from within the country where the Products were originally purchased. You may be required to ship Products, at your expense, to the authorized service facility for the country where the Products were purchased. Kodak will repair or replace Products if they fail to function properly during the warranty period, subject to any conditions and/or limitations stated herein. Warranty service will include all labor as well as any necessary adjustments and/or replacement parts.

If Kodak is unable to repair or replace a Product, Kodak will, at its option, refund the purchase price paid for the Product provided the Product has been returned to Kodak along with proof of the purchase price paid. Repair, replacement, or refund of the purchase price are the sole remedies under the warranty. If replacement parts are used in making repairs, those parts may be remanufactured, or may contain remanufactured materials. If it is necessary to replace the entire Product, it may be replaced with a remanufactured Product. Remanufactured Products, parts, and materials are warranted for the remaining warranty term of the original Product, or 90 days after the date of repair or replacement, whichever is longer.LimitationsThis warranty does not cover circumstances beyond Kodak’s control.

This warranty does not apply when failure is due to shipping damage, accident, alteration, modification, unauthorized service, misuse, abuse, use with incompatible accessories or attachments (such as third party ink or ink tanks), failure to follow Kodak’s operation, maintenance, or repacking instructions, failure to use items supplied by Kodak (such as adapters and cables), or claims made after the duration of this AppendixKodak makes no other express or implied warranty for this product, and disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In the event that the exclusion of any implied warranty is ineffective under the law, the duration of the implied warranty will be one year from the purchase date or such longer period as required by law.The option of repair, replacement, or refund is Kodak’s only obligation. Kodak will not be responsible for any special, consequential or incidental damages resulting from the sale, purchase, or use of this product regardless of the cause. Liability for any special, consequential or incidental damages (including but not limited to loss of revenue or profit, downtime costs, loss of the use of the equipment, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, or claims of your customers for such damages resulting from the purchase, use, or failure of the Product), regardless of cause or for breach of any written or implied warranty is expressly disclaimed.Your rightsSome states or jurisdictions do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Some states or jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.This warranty gives you specific rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state or by jurisdiction.Outside the United States and CanadaIn countries other than the United States and Canada, the terms and conditions of this warranty may be different. Unless a specific Kodak warranty is communicated to the purchaser in writing by a Kodak company, no warranty or liability exists beyond any minimum requirements imposed by law, even though defect, damage, or loss may be by negligence or other

AppendixRegulatory compliance FCC compliance and advisoryKodak EasyShare C613 zoom digital cameraThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed or used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. On/off, 1 review, 2, 12 share, 2 shutter, 1 zoom, 2, 6Ccable, USB, 36 camera sounds, 25caring for your camera, 50 children, 9clock, setting, 2 color mode, 24compatibility, dock, 39 copy picturescard to memory, 19 memory to card, 19 to computer, 35cropping pictures, 15, 16 customer support, 46, 47 customizing camera settings, 25D datesetting, 2 stamp, 26 delete button, 2deletingduring quickview, 4 from internal memory, 14 from SD/MMC card, 14protecting pictures, videos,

Digital image stabilization, 8 digital zoom, using, 6 displaying slide show, 17 disposal, recycling, 50, 56 dockcompatibility, 39 connector, 2 printer, 37doing more with your camera, 22 download pictures, 35EEasyShare software installing, 35emailing pictures, videos, 29 exposurecompensation, 27F favoritesremoving, 31 settings, 31 tagging, 30fireworks, 9firmware, upgrading, 50 flashsettings, 7 flower, 10 focusframing marks, 5 zone, 24format, 26 framing grid, Self-portrait, 10 snow, 9 sports, 9 sunset, 10text/document, 9Nnight landscape, 9 night portrait, 9Ook button, 2 on/off button, 1online prints, ordering, 39 optical zoom, 6PPerfect Touch technology, 15 PictBridge enabled printer, 37 picture size, 23pictureschecking settings, 20 copying, 19 cropping, 15, 16 deleting, 14 emailing tagged, 29 printing, 38 protecting, 14 reviewing, 12 storage capacity, 50 tagging, 33taking, modes, 8 transfer, 35picture-taking settings, 22 portrait, Power, camera, 2 printer dock, 37 printingfrom a card, 39 from computer, 38optimizing printer, 46 order online, 39 PictBridge technology, 37 tagged pictures, 39with EasyShare printer dock, 37 problem-solving, 40protecting pictures, videos, 14Qquickview, using, 4Rrecycling, disposal, 50, 56 red-eye, flash, 7 regulatory information, 55 removing favorites, 31 repair, 46return, 25review button, 2, 12 reviewing picturesas you take them, 4 deleting, 14LCD, 12 protecting, 14 slide show, 17reviewing videos deleting, 14 LCD, 12 protecting, Slide show, 17 running slide show, 17Sscene modes, 9 SCN, 8 SD/MMC cardinserting, 3 printing from, 39storage capacities, 50 self-portrait, 10 self-timer, 22self-timer light, 1service and support telephone numbers, 47setting about, 26 album, 24blur warning, 26 camera sounds, 25 color mode, 24 date and time, 2 date stamp, 26 flash, 7focus zone, 24 image storage, 24 picture size, 23picture taking mode, 8 return, 25self-timer, 22 setup menu, 25 sound volume, 25video date display, 26 video size, 2461. Favorites, 30 for albums, 33 for email, 29 for print, 28telephone support, 47 text/document, 9 time, setting, 2tipscare & maintenance, 50 transferring pictures, videos, 35 trash can, deleting, 4tripod socket, 2 troubleshooting, 40turning camera on and off, 2Uupgrading software, firmware, 50 URLs, Kodak web sites, 46USB cable, 36VVCCI compliance, 56, 57 videoaction print, 17 checking settings, 20 copying, 19date display, 26 deleting, 14 protecting, 14 reviewing, 12 storage capacities, 50 viewing, 12video size, 24

.Follow the on-screen instructions. Loading the batteries After installing the software, return to this Getting Started Guide. Kodak oxy-alkaline digital camera batteries AA. Kodak Ni-MH rechargeable digital camera batteries AA. Kodak Ni-MH rechargeable digital.Turning on the camera Setting the language, date/time Language: to change. Date/Time: At the prompt, press OK.

Drivers For Kodak Easyshare C613 Usb Cable

For previous/next field. the Shutter button halfway to focus and set exposure. When the framing brackets turn green, press the Shutter button completely down.

Drivers For Kodak Easyshare C613 Cord Videos Press the Shutter button completely down and release. To stop recording, press and release the Shutter button again.Videos: Play at 2X, 4X speed Play in reverse at 2X, 4X To hear audio, transfer the video to your computer. Kodak EasyShare printer dock or camera dock (May be sold separately.) For dock compatibility, visit To purchase accessories, visit reading this book, so you can take and share your best pictures! To better understand each menu option, use camera Help.