Grand Chase Korea Voice

17.01.2020by admin
Grand Chase Korea Voice 7,8/10 5185 reviews

We all have our preferences, so here's 5 different voice packs you can use for the game.-Note that u need to use the ones made for GCM cus there're some changes to GCM files and other voice packs wont have those changes.Korean (the official kGC voice pack)English (this is wat GCM is using right now)Portuguese (the official brGC voice pack)Japanese (a fan-made voice pack. Oh u need to do some stuff for modifications to work (guess i forgot all abt tat.)make sure your client is fully patched to the latestopen Options.xml with notepad and change 'AllowModifications' from false to truechange the modified date for all files in your GCM folder to any date after the most recent patch (just change to current date is fine)(u can use BulkFileChanger for tat)copy in the voice packwith all tat done, u shouldn't need to do anything elsewould update the 1st post if i could but doesn't seem to be possible.(anything else u can try looking for me in GCM discord).

  1. Grand Chase Korea Voice
  2. Action Role-playing Game
  3. Grand Chase Korea Voice 2017

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Grand Chase Korea Voice

#LongLiveTheChase. KOG has dropped the development since around December of 2014. All servers are shutdown as of December 31, 2015. Grand Chase M is a spin-off mobile game made by Eyedentity and has shut down on August 10, 2018. On February 13, 2016, KOG announced the development of the Sequel of Grand Chase in a form of mobile game. Convert pdf to hand mx. Grand Chase Sequel was confirmed as 'Grand Chase for kakao' as of September 26, 2017. CBT was launched in mid-October and lasted for a week.

It was then finally released on January 30, 2018. Official Title is now.

'Grand Chase: Dimensional Chaser'. KR: Released. PH: Released. JP: Released.

TW: Released. GLOBAL(BR,SEA,EU,NA): ReleasedSubreddit Rules. 1.

Grand chase korea voice

Please follow the subreddit rules and. 2. Please use the Monthly Question Thread for all sorts of questions, especially minor ones that don't need a new thread for it. 3. Low-effort threads are strongly discouraged and may be removed. Threads that are a question or discussion should have at least a few sentences written instead of just a title and a single sentence text. 4.

Action Role-playing Game

Question/Discussion Thread should state what they have tried and thought about before proceeding to the question/content. 5.

Grand Chase Korea Voice 2017

Please do not post threads about Gacha Results. Post will be removed without notifying. 6. Please post threads related to Grand Chase only. 7.

No selling or black marketing of the game.Useful Resources.