Pdf Capability Is Required

30.01.2020by admin
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Pdf Capability Is Required

The Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System ( JCIDS), is the formal (DoD) process which definesacquisition requirements and evaluation criteria for future defenseprograms. JCIDS was created to replace the previous service-specificrequirements generation system that allowed redundancies incapabilities and failed to meet the combined needs of all USmilitary services. In order to correct these problems, JCIDS isintended to guide the development of requirements for futureacquisition systems to reflect the needs of all four services (, and ) by focusing the requirements generation process on needed capabilities as requested or defined by one of the US. In an ideal implementation of the JCIDS process, regional and functional combatant commanders give early and continuous feedback into the acquisition and sustainment processes to ensure their current and evolving requirements are known and met. Contents.History JCIDS was developed under the direction of to address shortfalls in the (DoD) requirements generationsystem identified by the U.S.

Joint Chiefs of Staff. These shortfallswere identified as: not considering new programs in the context ofother programs, insufficiently considering combined servicerequirements and ineffectively prioritizing joint service requirements,and accomplishing insufficient analysis. The drive to create JCIDSwas born out of a March 2002 Secretary of Defense memorandum tothe requesting a study onalternative ways to evaluate requirements. The (CJCS) approved the most recent JCIDS Instruction on 23 January 2015 and its accompanying manual was released on 12 February 2015. CJCSInstruction (CJCSI) 3170.01I provides a top-level description of the process andoutlines the organizational responsibilities. The JCIDS Manual defines performance attributes, key performance parameters, validation and approval processes, and associated document content. Methodology The central focus of JCIDS is to address capability shortfalls, orgaps as defined by combatant commanders.


Process Capability Requirements

Thus, JCIDS is said toprovide a capabilities-based approach to requirements generation.The previous requirements generation system focused on addressingfuture threat scenarios. While understanding the risks associated withfuture threat postures is necessary to develop effective weaponssystems, a sufficient methodology requires a joint perspective whichcan both prioritize the risk associated with future threats andconsider operational gaps in the context of all the services. Ifrequirements are developed in this joint context, there issimultaneously a smaller chance of developing superfluously overlappingsystems and a greater probability that weapons systems would beoperational with one another (i.e. Common communication systems,weapons interfaces, etc.). The were established in conjunction with JCIDS in order to provide for a common lexicon throughout the US Department of Defense. Another major emphasis of JCIDS is to consider whether a solution to a potential operational gap requires thedevelopment of a physical system (a materiel solution) or aprocedural or training based solution (a non-materiel solution).In this sense, the JCIDS process provides a solution space thatconsiders solutions involving any combination of doctrine,organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personneland facilities.

Pdf Capability Is Required To Work

The, J6supports JCIDS by providing recommendations based on quantifiable data.